Sorry it's been awhile since our last blog, we've been busy. Avery has been great. Still a runny nose (I think she's teething). She had some shots and blood work earlier in the week, everything checked out great. She's been shopping twice, and that threw her off her sleeping schedule. Probably having nightmares of others getting the bargins before her! ha ha.
Dan's back to work, I go back in 3 weeks. It's hard to believe it's been almost 3 weeks since we left for Taiwan. Wow.
She is such an amazing baby. She loves rubbing your face when you feed her a bottle, she loves watching Bentley (he is kinda protective of her, in a nice way). I am getting less sleep, but I love being a mommy, it's still so surreal. It kinda hasn't hit me yet, we're having so much fun.